
CodeBrave is a nonprofit founded in 2018 delivering coding, robotics and AI classes for children and adolescents from disadvantaged and traumatic backgrounds in Lebanon. CodeBrave focuses on integrating STEM education with trauma psychology and educational psychology, spotlighting life skills such as resilience and adaptability, critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving. Programmes, delivered in collaboration with under-resourced schools and shelters, equip students with the tech and cognitive skills to lift themselves out of poverty, improve their future job prospects and achieve their full potential.

  • Organisation type Nonprofit
  • Year founded 2018
  • Headquartered Beirut
  • Registration Lebanon · United Kingdom
  • Website

Related sustainable development goals

  • Quality Education
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Partnerships for the Goals


During 2023:
1,006 students learned life-changing tech skills with CodeBrave
93% of students graduating from the WebDev Programme either secured scholarships to universities, completed internships, or got jobs.
30,591 hours of collective learning across Lebanon
2 schools upskilled to independently deliver coding and robotics education for years to come

Focus areas

Focus sectors

  • Education
    • Vocational education
    • Elementary and secondary education
      • STEM education
  • Science

Focus populations

  • Preteens
  • Students
  • Teachers

Focus geographies

  • Middle East
    • Lebanon


  • American University of Beirut
  • Caritas Lebanon
  • Cherpa
  • Codi
  • Forward Mena
  • Google
  • Kids Alive Lebanon
  • Mckinsey
  • SE Factory
  • Search for Common Ground Lebanon
  • Thaki


  • CodeBrave Web Development Programme

    CodeBrave’s Web Dev Programme is an advanced tech education programme for exceptional students aged 14-18 who lack the right opportunities in Lebanon. Students learn how to leverage generative AI, vocational english language skills, employment skills as well as fundamental coding concepts in Python, HTML, CSS and JS, which they immediately put into practice by creating their own projects through web and game development. As part of their training, students complete work experience modules building websites for real clients. They also receive English tutoring, and mentorship from LIFE Lebanon and McKinsey.

  • CodePowered Schools

    CodeBrave's educational team trains teachers at partner schools on foundational coding concepts and the use of child-friendly coding platforms. The training includes best practices for teaching coding in a K-12 setting, soft skills integration, and internet safety. Participants are also coached over eight months to deliver CodeBrave’s curriculum to their students. In 2022, CodeBrave started collaborations with two public schools to train and coach their teachers in our curriculum for Grade 6-12. The goal is to reach 1,800 students taught by teachers trained in the CodePowered Schools Programme by 2025.

  • School projects
    CodeBrave works with students in grades five to eight at disadvantaged schools and shelters, providing them with foundation digital and cognitive skills. The curriculum aims to motivate children to learn by incorporating fun and play into learning to reignite their passion for education, foster cognitive skills through project-based coding and robotics exercises, as well as establish a foundation that prepares them for CodeBrave’s more advanced programs. The organisation utilises a "STEAM education" model of hands-on and creative learning.
  • STEM hackathons
    In 2022, CodeBrave started running STEM hackathon to raise awareness of tech education amongst a broader group of children and youth who are not in their core projects, whom they teach basics of coding and robotics.



  • GBP 814,619 spent to-date

Funding model

  • Programme related investment
  • Volunteering

Primary funders

  • C Hoare & Co
  • CG Fund
  • German Cooperation
  • GIZ
  • Google
  • ILO
  • Malala Fund
  • McKinsey & Company
  • Nafda
  • Prince Street
  • Souter Charitable Fund
  • The Asfari Foundation
  • The Fore
  • Youth Reach International


Key staff

  • Co-director and co-founder, Clementine Brown
  • Co-director and head of education, Eliana Sleiman
  • CodeBrave foundation executive director, Tatiana Woodhouse

Board members

  • Elie Afram, Member
  • Fadi Bizri, Co-founder
  • Mohammed S Harb, Member
  • Roy Saab, Member
  • Sandy Fahed, Member
  • Simona Helal, Member
  • Stephen Hall, Member

Contact details



  • 2023  Impact Report here
  • 2023 Financial Report here