Doing good, well.
A guide from LGT Philanthropy Advisory for people who want to use their resources to have a positive impact on the world

A guide from LGT Philanthropy Advisory for people who want to use their resources to have a positive impact on the world
This Guide from LGT Philanthropy Advisory is designed to support you on your philanthropic journey, whether you are just starting out, refreshing your approach, engaging new family members in your giving or seeking to leverage your impact after many decades.
It aims to help you identify causes you care about, add value and have the most impact you can with the resources at your disposal. The idea is to encourage you to be bold and brave without causing harm, to focus and to develop confidence, skills, and expertise.
The aim of this guide is to help you move beyond reactive giving, which leaves you unsure if you have made a difference, towards proactive problem solving, strategic programming and, hopefully, sustainable, and scalable strategic interventions.
This Guide is cause-neutral. Philanthropists choose the issues and the organisations they support for good and often personal reasons. You are influenced by your life and family experience, by your religious, spiritual, political, and moral beliefs.
You may want to give where you think the need is greatest, where you feel you can have the biggest impact, or can get the best social and environmental return. There is no right or wrong way to make these choices, what is important is that your philanthropy feels right for you and your family.
LGT’s Guide to Strategic Philanthropy is designed for anyone who wants to use their resources to have a positive impact in the world.
You may already be giving financially, investing in line with your values or volunteering at organisations you have come across through friends or travel, or that have impacted you and your family.
You may have accumulated or inherited wealth and want to use some of it to do good. You may be at an inflection point, such as selling a business or your children leaving home, which leaves you with more free time.
Or perhaps you have reached a personal milestone, or are looking at the world or an issue you care about and want it to be different, better, less unjust or more equitable.
This Guide is written for philanthropists and is designed to support you on your philanthropic journey, whether you are just starting out, refreshing your approach, engaging new family members in your giving or seeking to leverage your impact after many decade
This Guide is written for philanthropists and is designed to support you on your philanthropic journey, whether you are just starting out, refreshing your approach, engaging new family members in your giving or seeking to leverage your impact after many decades.
It aims to help you identify causes you care about, add value and have the most impact you can with the resources at your disposal. The idea is to encourage you to be bold and brave without causing harm, to focus and to develop confidence, skills, and expertise.
The aim of this guide is to help you move beyond reactive giving, which leaves you unsure if you have made a difference, towards proactive problem solving, strategic programming and, hopefully, sustainable, and scalable strategic interventions.
This Guide is cause-neutral. Philanthropists choose the issues and the organisations they support for good and often personal reasons. You are influenced by your life and family experience, by your religious, spiritual, political, and moral beliefs.
You may want to give where you think the need is greatest, where you feel you can have the biggest impact, or can get the best social and environmental return. There is no right or wrong way to make these choices, what is important is that your philanthropy feels right for you and your family.
Over four chapters, LGT shares its experience of social and environmental impact gained from working with philanthropic leaders and families, non-profit organisations, social enterprises, communities, multilateral agencies, and governments across 70 countries.
There is also a simple strategic framework developed by Philanthropy Insight (Pi) to help you identify your philanthropic goals and values as well as other exercises and tools, techniques, and tips. For deeper focus, there are suggestions of additional reading materials and case studies profiling a diverse range of philanthropists.
This is an abridged version of Doing good, well. A Guide to strategic philanthropy, was written by Jo Ensor, founder of Philanthropy Insight (Pi), and Nina Hoas, the head of LGT Philanthropy Advisory.
Philanthropy Insight (Pi) is a social enterprise that educates, unlocks and enables philanthropists, their families and boards to engage, invest and achieve high-impact social change in partnership with social change leaders. Pi promotes bold, brave and high-impact philanthropy and world-class social investment practice in a private, pitch-free and confidential environment – connecting philanthropists to their peers and experts, through strategy and leadership workshops, educa- tional programs, insight journeys and learning opportunities.
LGT is an international private bank that has been fully controlled by the Liechtenstein Princely Family for over 90 years. The Princely Family of Liechtenstein is deeply committed to social accountability, with values rooted in responsible and long- term investments towards a sustainable future. This philosophy also encompasses generations of giving. Philanthropy Advisory at LGT is a service for individuals and families who want to partner on a journey towards thoughtful and strategic philan- thropy, regardless of their areas of interest or their giving expe- rience. LGT Philanthropy Advisory supports clients in translating motivations into strategic and impact-oriented philanthropy as well as navigating the complex landscape of philanthropy by providing advisory, education and implementation services.
For a full version of the guide, it can be downloaded here.
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